Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Pharma Critical Cleaning and 21 CFR 211.67

Why is critical cleaning necessary for the pharmaceutical industry? Are Alconox brand cleaners formulated to be used in the pharmaceutical industry?

All pharmaceutical products, prescription and over-the-counter, available for use in the U.S. must be produced according to the FDA's cGMP regulations. These guidelines are in accordance with Finished Pharmaceuticals (human and animal products): Title 21 CFR 210 and 21 CFR 211.

§ 211.67 Equipment cleaning and maintenance.

a) Equipment and utensils shall be cleaned, maintained, and sanitized at appropriate intervals to prevent malfunctions or contamination that would alter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity of the drug product beyond the official or other established requirements.

(b) Written procedures shall be established and followed for cleaning and maintenance of equipment, including utensils, used in the manufacture, processing, packing, or holding of a drug product. These procedures shall include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:

(1) Assignment of responsibility for cleaning and maintaining equipment;

(2) Maintenance and cleaning schedules, including, where appropriate, sanitizing schedules;

(3) A description in sufficient detail of the methods, equipment, and materials used in cleaning and maintenance operations, and the methods of disassembling and reassembling equipment as necessary to assure proper cleaning and maintenance;

(4) Removal or obliteration of previous batch identification;

(5) Protection of clean equipment from contamination prior to use;

(6) Inspection of equipment for cleanliness immediately before use.

(c) Records shall be kept of maintenance, cleaning, sanitizing, and inspection as specified in §211.180 and §211.182.

Alconox offers a range of pharmaceutical grade critical cleaners.

Alconox brand cleaners are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry because they easy to validate, leave no interfering residues on hard surfaces, are biodegradable and readily disposable. Moreover, a multi-product pharmaceutical manufacturing plant with multi-cleaning needs can often find a single Alconox brand aqueous cleaner for all needs, resulting in reduced cost. All Alconox brands are GMP compliant and have downloadable lot specific Certificate of Analysis (COA), MSDS, Technical Bulletins, Trace Analysis. Alconox Critical Cleaning Experts have written Pharmaceutical Cleaning Validation References that includes a Directory of Cleaner Residue Detection Methods for each Alconox Detergent. To download your free copy please visit here.

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