New Alconox Blog



Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Stability of Alconox

Is a 1% Alconox solution stable in tap water? How long can 1% Alconox be
stored as solution? Is pH measurement the best estimate of stability?

Alconox is stable in tap water (or any purity water) for at least three
weeks when stored in a closed container. The mechanisms of degradation are
microbial activity and hydrolysis of the polyphosphates. We have done
studies that demonstrate that under closed lid (only) conditions for three
weeks, no microbial growth occurred. However for real life application, the
lid will be opened and closed to dispense the 1% Alconox, so you must
account for possible microbial growth. The best way to do that is to
monitor the pH of the solution over the course of the three week storage.
Take and record a pH start point after initially preparing the solution as a
reference point. Typically a drop in pH will detect the onset of microbial
proliferation and activity. Also, another early warning sign of microbial
activity is a "characteristic" microbial odor. Monitoring with pH and odor
during the three weeks will give you some control to be sure that microbial
activity had not started to cause concern.

The second possible mechanism is polyphosphate degradation. Detecting the
onset of polyphosphate hydrolysis is a little trickier than detecting
microbial growth. Unfortunately the pH only rises slightly as the
polyphosphates hydrolyze to ortho-phosphates, and to the best of our
knowledge there is no quick and simple way to monitor this. Though it is in
our experience that not a sufficient amount of polyphosphate hydrolysis
occurs during the first three weeks to perturb or interfere with
performance. So as long as you change the solution every three weeks, there
will be little concern other than possible microbial growth.

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